The ONE Party You Don't Wanna Miss!

The ONE Party You Don't Wanna Miss!

Consider the fact that the scriptures not only describes our eternal state in heaven as an ongoing period of joy and festivity, but the angels themselves burst into spontaneous celebration every time one person puts their faith in Christ.

This might come as a shocker to some of you, but God digs a good party!

Here’s the deal. God is someday planning to host the most lavish and most extravagant party ever thrown. Revelation 19:9 describes it as, “The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.”  The best part? God is making it an open invite. HE WANTS HIS HOUSE FULL and an invitation has been extended out to you through faith in Jesus Christ.


You have two options. You can TURN DOWN THE INVITE by continuing to pursue your own plans and ambitions for your life apart from faith in Jesus Christ, thereby crossing your name off the guest list! Or you can ACCEPT HIS INVITATION by confessing with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the grave; thereby gaining entrance into the party.

For those of you who DO chose, or have chosen to accept God’s invite, and truly believe that God wants His house to be full, you have one simple follow-up task!

If it is within your means, in the coming weeks or months, THROW AN AWESOME OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD PARTY at your place. Please keep it clean and free of content that would cause anyone to fall into sin. Invite your friends, but in addition, BE VERY INTENTIONAL about inviting people in your wider social circles who usually don’t get invited to parties.

(You'll not only have a blast, but you'll be acting Christlike.)

Soooo, Throw an awesome PARTY!