When God Has No Chill
One of the persistent themes in all of scripture (both Old and New Testaments) is the extraordinary goodness and amazing love of God.
You’d be amazed at how much space the Bible devotes to this subject of His compassion, His tender mercies, His loving-kindness, His patience, His long-suffering, and every other word that expresses the virtues of love. You see this so much in the scriptures that you might start to conclude that God is a sweet old man, who formerly used to be very angry, but has changed and now gives the best hugs, kisses, and gifts to whomever would take the time to pay Him a visit in His old house. But have you met the God of the Bible? Certainly love is one of His attributes, but if we’re honest, divine revelations of Him in the scriptures paint a picture of one heavenly Father no one’s in a rush to give a hug!
Allow me to walk you through a few.........